March 22, 2013

Female Judges On TV

Greta Olson, Justus-Liebig-Univeristy Giessen, is publishing Intersections of Gender and Legal Culture in Two Women Judge Shows: Judge Judy and Richterin Barbara Salesch, in Contemporary Gender Relations and Changes in Legal Cultures (Hanne Petersen, Jose Maria Lorenzo Villaverde, and Ingrid Lund-Andersen, eds., Copenhagen: DJOF, forthcoming).

This essay departs from the thesis that the connections between legal culture and gender have not yet been adequately addressed or theorized. Whereas a lively debate has ensued about the meaning and applications of Lawrence M. Friedman’s introduction of the concept of legal culture as a prism for scrutinizing a given socio-legal cohort, relatively little attention has been given to the question of how legal cultures are affected by categories of difference, including those of gender, ethnicity, class, disability, and age. By attending to the gender work performed by two ‘reality’ women judge shows, one US American and one German, this essay aims to further the conversation about how gender interacts with other categories of identity in legal settings.
The full text is not available from SSRN. 

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