January 14, 2015

A Symposium on the Abolition of War

From Richard Weisberg, President of the Law and Humanities Institute, comes this announcement of a two day symposium on the topic:

WHY HAS WAR NEVER BECOME A TABOO?  This topic and others connected to the experience of war will be explored at a 2-day symposium called "The Abolition of War". Speakers on the first day include Elaine Scarry, Mark Kurlansky, Richard Weisberg, and Stanley Fish. The event will take place at the Cardozo Law School, Moot Court Room, beginning at 9:30 and ending at around 3. It will include lunch to all in attendance as well as an extensive Q & A on the subject involving the audience inter-actively. The remaining panels, which will take place on Feb 21 at the Rutgers Law School in Newark (easily available by Path train from NYC), include "War and Art: Do They Need Each Other?", "Promoting the Alternative to War (or peace-making for Fun and Profit", and a Musical Interlude with talks and performances relating to the theme of Abolition and Pacifism. Speakers include Sarah Cole, Brian Soucek, Paul K. Saint Amour, and Ekow Yankah; Maria Stephan, Krzysztof Wodiczko, and Michael Braff. Performers include Eleanor Cory and Idith Korman, with Cheryl Weisberg singing some folk songs from the French and American traditions. RSVP for further details to ellii.cho@law.cardozo.yu.edu.

The event is organized by the Law & Humanities Institute, the Rutgers Law School, and the Jacob Burns Foundation and the Institute of Holocaust and Human Rights Studies of the Cardozo Law School.

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