June 24, 2015

Harry Houdini and Arthur Conan Doyle: A New Series Heads To Television

From the Hollywood Reporter: 

Michael Weston, who appeared in the series House, and Stephen Mangan will star in the new series Houdini and Doyle for Fox, which is set for 2016. The series will dramatize the relationship between the iconic magician/escapotologist Harry Houdini (born Erich Weisz), to be played by Weston, who devoted the last years of his life to debunking Spiritualism and the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to be played by Mangan, who believed fervently in Spiritualist doctrine. The two eventually fell out over Doyle's unwillingness to believe Houdini's statements that he was not psychic and Houdini's repeated rejections of Doyle's proffered evidence of the paranormal.

Read more about Houdini and Doyle's relationship here, or in Massimo Polidoro, Final Seance: The Strange Friendship Between Houdini and Conan Doyle (Prometheus Books, 2001). 

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